Feb 9, 2018 | Articles for Mediators, Articles for the Public, Ethics, Mediation Practice
By Steve Erickson | We need a way to assess skills and provide credentials for family mediators who are client-centered, non-coercive, and respectful of self-determination. Other approaches masquerading as mediation are confusing the public.
Feb 10, 2017 | Articles for Mediators, Articles for the Public, Ethics, Mediation Practice
By Steve Erickson | We need a way to assess skills and provide credentials for family mediators who are client-centered, non-coercive, and respectful of self-determination. Other approaches masquerading as mediation are confusing the public.
Jan 26, 2017 | Divorce, Ethics
By Bill Eddy | Negotiating restraining orders in mediation might be letting aggressors bully victims into canceling protective orders. Are there exceptions?
Jan 11, 2017 | Articles for Mediators, Ethics, Mediation Practice
By Larry Gaughan | Ethical Standards of Practice based on definitions of “self-determination” must take into account the full complexity of the issues involved.
Nov 23, 2016 | Articles for the Public, Ethics
By Larry Gaughan | Many retired judges call the process they use mediation, but a good look at what they do shows that it has almost all of the characteristics of the adversarial litigation system. One basic principle of every set of mediator ethics is that mediation not be coercive. When there are very long meetings (sometimes past midnight), often with a trial date close at hand,
Sep 22, 2016 | Articles for Mediators, Articles for the Public, Ethics, Mediation Practice
By Steve Erickson | The answers and the solutions to the conflict are found, not by the mediator, but by the parties themselves who hire the mediator.