APFM uses this "product" to accept donations, enable registration for certain events, and collect miscellaneous amounts owed to the organization. The visitor chooses the amount to be paid. Please enter the amount in the "Name Your Price" box.
APFM is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation to APFM is tax deductible as allowed by law.
Please indicate in the form the reason for your donation or payment (such as “Donation” or “XYZ Training” or “Conference underpayment,” etc.). Please be specific in describing your reason. If you were directed to use a particular phrase in the reason box, please type that in.
Your payment will not be complete until you add the "product" to your cart and complete checkout.
To help prevent bad actors from using this form to check the validity of credit card numbers, the minimum price accepted is $25. Please contact APFM if you need or want to pay an amount less than that.