Beyond Settlement: Fifty Shades of Satisfaction with Michael Lang
“Beyond Settlement: Fifty Shades of Satisfaction,” an APFM webinar on managing client satisfaction featuring Michael Lang. Recorded Sept. 25, 2018.
“Beyond Settlement: Fifty Shades of Satisfaction,” an APFM webinar on managing client satisfaction featuring Michael Lang. Recorded Sept. 25, 2018.
By Christina McGhee | Kids need reassuring but honest information about how their lives will be changing. Talk with your children in a direct way, using clear language.
By Steve Erickson | Professional family mediators need both process skills and substantive knowledge about child development, parenting, family law, budgeting, and more.
The APFM Webinar, Impasse Strategies for Divorce Mediators with Steve Erickson, Esq. and Marilyn McKnight, MA, was presented May 16, 2018.