Sep 20, 2017 | Children of Divorce, Mediation Practice, Webinars - Past
What Does Your Child Think of Her Best Interests? Guidelines for Including the Child in Mediation with Don Saposnek, Ph.D.. Recorded September 20, 2017.
Sep 10, 2017 | Articles for Mediators, Divorce
By By Jeri Breiner, | The idea of getting divorced tends to immediately predispose individuals to become fearful of change, of backlash, and of the unknown territories ahead.
Jul 23, 2017 | 2017 Summer, Articles for the Public, Divorce, Mediation Practice
By Larry Gaughan | Adversarial attorneys can learn from mediators about using constructive processes instead of exacerbating competitive, dysfunctional divorce negotiations.
Jul 23, 2017 | 2017 Summer, Articles for Mediators, Divorce, Mediation Practice
By Mukul Khandelwal | Becoming a culturally-sensitive mediator is a process that continues throughout one’s professional career. Clients’ cultures and values may differ greatly from family to family.
Jun 12, 2017 | Articles for Mediators, Articles for the Public, Divorce, Mediation Practice
By Donald T. Saposnek, Ph.D. | All these political issues that have become (or continued to be) polarized can be understood within the same conceptual frame as we understand our high conflict divorce cases.