Feb 9, 2018 | Articles for Mediators, Articles for the Public, Ethics, Mediation Practice
By Steve Erickson | We need a way to assess skills and provide credentials for family mediators who are client-centered, non-coercive, and respectful of self-determination. Other approaches masquerading as mediation are confusing the public.
Feb 1, 2018 | Articles for Mediators, Articles for the Public, Divorce
By Michael Wayland | What aspects of new tax law affect divorce settlements? Changes related to filing status, standard deductions, child tax credit, alimony, mortgage interest, and home equity loans are discussed.
Jan 3, 2018 | Articles for the Public, Divorce
By Michael Aurit, JD, MDR | Find a well-trained, experienced, trustworthy mediator who devotes almost all of his/her time to divorce and family mediation and charges reasonable fees.
Dec 20, 2017 | Articles for the Public
By Virginia Colin | Family conflicts? Here are some tips for focusing on the love and loyalty that are usually mixed up with the political, religious, or personal differences.
Nov 16, 2017 | Articles for the Public, Divorce
By Virginia Colin | When facing divorce, start with taking care of yourself, assembling your support team, and gathering the records that you will need. Do not run to a lawyer before learning enough about your situation.
Oct 26, 2017 | Articles for Mediators, Articles for the Public, Children of Divorce
By Robert Emery | During and after separation and divorce, kids should have the right to love and be loved by both of their parents without feeling guilt or disapproval. They should be protected from their parents’ conflicts.