Toward a Unified Profession of Family Mediation
By Steve Erickson | Professional family mediators need both process skills and substantive knowledge about child development, parenting, family law, budgeting, and more.
By Steve Erickson | Professional family mediators need both process skills and substantive knowledge about child development, parenting, family law, budgeting, and more.
By Chip Rose | How a mediation proceeds and how it ends depend on how it begins. Beginning with macro questions the clients can say yes to gets them off to a good start.
By Judy West | When parents and teens are in conflict, a mediator, using the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach, can help them restore their positive relationship and create shared plans.
By Virginia Colin | APFM is becoming the go-to resource for family mediators in need of training, mentoring, and support, and the go-to resource for families in need of professional family mediation services. Join us!
By Georgia Daniels | From childhood through marriage, maybe divorce, elder care decisions, and probate, mediation can help families prevent or resolve conflicts peacefully and constructively.
By Michael Lang | As a mediator, what questions are best to ask? How do you know when it is the right time to ask one? Reflective practice …