Oct 26, 2017 | Articles for Mediators, Articles for the Public, Children of Divorce
By Robert Emery | During and after separation and divorce, kids should have the right to love and be loved by both of their parents without feeling guilt or disapproval. They should be protected from their parents’ conflicts.
Oct 9, 2017 | Articles for Mediators, Articles for the Public, Mediation Practice
By Bill Eddy | Empathy, attention and respect are the opposite of what you feel like giving someone when he or she is upset and is verbally attacking YOU, but they are what works. People who are very upset generally cannot think well or negotiate constructively. With empathy, attention, and respect, you can help them calm down.
Sep 26, 2017 | Articles for Mediators, Articles for the Public
By Ariella Shuster | Metaphorically, deciding what to keep and what to let go of during divorce and experiencing the associated memories and feelings is like cleaning out a long-cluttered garage.
Sep 10, 2017 | Articles for Mediators, Divorce
By By Jeri Breiner, | The idea of getting divorced tends to immediately predispose individuals to become fearful of change, of backlash, and of the unknown territories ahead.
Jul 24, 2017 | 2017 Summer, Children of Divorce, Co-Parenting
By Maddy Cacciatore | Children who are alienated from one of their parents may be projecting a lot of their pain onto the rejected parent. Helping them may take a team effort.
Jul 23, 2017 | 2017 Summer, Articles for the Public, Divorce, Mediation Practice
By Larry Gaughan | Adversarial attorneys can learn from mediators about using constructive processes instead of exacerbating competitive, dysfunctional divorce negotiations.