Nov 20, 2016 | Articles for Mediators, Mediation Practice
By Lenard Marlow | Mediators need to make sure that they are not giving legal advice, holding themselves out as lawyers, or practicing law in any manner. Some nevertheless say that it is OK for mediators who are not lawyers to write divorce settlement agreements.
Oct 28, 2016 | Articles for Mediators, Divorce, Mediation Practice
By Bruce D. Clarkin | The pain, fear and anger that accompany divorce are the grist for our mediation process and, as we start the process, we often do now know how the process will be informed by those emotions.
Oct 27, 2016 | Articles for the Public, Divorce
By Marta J. Papa | Now married same-sex couples have the same legal benefits and responsibilities as married heterosexual couples. They also face the same challenges if they decide to divorce. Details…