Why Professional Family Mediators and APFM Need Each Other: A Manifesto
By Virginia Colin | Professional family mediators need an organization that helps them improve their skills and attract clients. APFM needs members’ active participation.
By Virginia Colin | Professional family mediators need an organization that helps them improve their skills and attract clients. APFM needs members’ active participation.
By Bill Eddy | Empathy, attention and respect are the opposite of what you feel like giving someone when he or she is upset and is verbally attacking YOU, but they are what works. People who are very upset generally cannot think well or negotiate constructively. With empathy, attention, and respect, you can help them calm down.
By Ariella Shuster | Metaphorically, deciding what to keep and what to let go of during divorce and experiencing the associated memories and feelings is like cleaning out a long-cluttered garage.
By Rachel Birnbaum and Nick Bala | More and more people who are divorcing do it without a lawyer. This research looks at their reasons and at the anticipated consequences of their decisions.
By Donald T. Saposnek, Ph.D. | All these political issues that have become (or continued to be) polarized can be understood within the same conceptual frame as we understand our high conflict divorce cases.