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  • Case Consultation and Study Group
     March 4, 2025
     12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern

Trainer: Forrest Mosten

Organization Presenting the Program: Mosten Guthrie Academy


Raise your conflict resolution strategies and skills, form meaningful and long-lasting professional connections, and benefit from the insights generated by an interdisciplinary group of practitioners dedicated to their craft. Whether just starting out or after many years of practice, Mediators and Collaborative professionals face complex legal, emotional, and ethical situations every day.

This group is designed to harness the knowledge and insight of yourself and your colleagues to explore some of the most challenging issues faced by practitioners.

Under the guidance of expert mediator, trainer, and author Forrest “Woody” Mosten, participants will bring mediation and Collaborative practice problems or questions—those that arose because of a success or frustration, or it could be something in a case you are currently grappling with.

Using a Reflective Practice model to invite questions from the group, Woody will facilitate a discussion to clarify the problem and help you discover new approaches for dealing with the situation. Woody will also share his years of experience, offering advice and recommendations for solving seemingly intractable practice situations.

Don’t miss your chance to grab a spot!

Email: [email protected]

More information is here.



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