Jun 13, 2017 | Articles for Mediators, Building a Practice
By Ada Hasloescher | Buckle your seat belts and join me as I tackle the roadblocks, fast tracks and everything in between for mediators building their practices. All are welcome, even the backseat drivers!
Oct 4, 2016 | Articles for Mediators, Building a Practice
By Ada Hasloescher | I’ve learned a few things through years of networking and of watching people dispense business cards a hundred different ways. I’ve seen it done elegantly, and I’ve seen it done not so elegantly. In fact, one time…
Sep 13, 2016 | Articles for Mediators, Building a Practice
By Ada Hasloescher | If you do not yet have a business card, get some right away and don’t worry about the look. You will probably change the card later anyway. To make the cards effective, include…
Jul 30, 2016 | Articles for Mediators, Building a Practice, Mediation Practice
By Ada Hasloescher | The business card is usually the first item of introduction. It represents us and our practice. Make sure you have them when you leave home!