Family Mediation Training & Events Calendar

On this calendar APFM lists only training programs and events that are relevant for family mediators. We recommend taking a training program about mediation fundamentals and skills before attending a program focused on using mediation skills in work with families.

Listing a program or event on the calendar does not imply that APFM endorses the qualifications of the trainer or the quality of the training/program except where it is explicitly stated that APFM’s Training Committee has approved the trainers and the program.

Times listed are in the Eastern Time Zone.

Interested in Placing your Training on this Calendar?

We’ll need the information below. You can either complete the form at the end of this page or send information to [email protected] in the following format:

  • ​Date
  • Location
  • Title of program
  • Number of hours
  • Trainer(s)
  • Organization presenting the program
  • Brief description of program
  • Email for inquiries
  • Phone number for inquiries
  • Website address for more information

APFM members may list their professional family mediation training programs at no charge. For others, the cost is $39 per event listing.

It can take 3-5 business days to get your listing posted to the calendar once submitted to APFM.

Event Phone: 416-593-0210

  • Advanced Parenting Coordination (14 Hours) - Self-Directed Learning
     March 27, 2025 - April 17, 2025
     12:00 am - 11:55 pm Eastern
  • Advanced Parenting Coordination (14 Hours) - Live Tutorials
     April 3, 2025
     3:30 pm - 7:00 pm Eastern
  • Advanced Parenting Coordination (14 Hours) - Live Tutorials
     April 10, 2025
     3:30 pm - 7:00 pm Eastern

Dates: Program open from March 27 – April 17, 2025 (self-directed learning). Live tutorials: April 3 & 10, 2025 (PM Sessions) Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Online) Trainers: Hilary Linton & Marianne Cuhaci Organization Presenting the Program: Riverdale Mediation Ltd. Description: This highly interactive course provides advanced-level theory, skills and strategies for managing the PC file. (more…)

  • Mosten Mediation Advanced Training: Child Support and Adult Child Expenses
     April 4, 2025
     12:30 pm - 5:00 pm Eastern

Location: Online via Zoom Trainers/Presenters: Forrest “Woody” Mosten Organization: Mosten Mediation Training Description: Each 4-hour Advanced Training focuses on a specific area of Practice, features cutting edge Mediation strategies, and offers participants an opportunity for simulated practice and interactive discussion. Woody will help you balance the approaches of allocation of income and division of expenses (more…)

Event Phone: 416-593-0210

  • Advanced Family Mediation (21 Hours): Self-Directed Learning
     April 29, 2025 - May 27, 2025
     12:00 am - 11:55 pm Eastern
  • Advanced Family Mediation (21 Hours): Live Tutorials
     May 6, 2025
     3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Eastern
  • Advanced Family Mediation (21 Hours): Live Tutorials
     May 13, 2025
     3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Eastern
  • Advanced Family Mediation (21 Hours): Live Tutorials
     May 20, 2025
     3:30 pm - 7:00 pm Eastern

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Online) Trainers: Hilary Linton (JD, LL.M, Acc FM, Cert.FM., FDRP Arb/PC) Lindsay Kertland (BA, LLB, LLM, Acc.FM) Avagene Skervin (B.A, LLB, ACC. FM, NP) Organization Presenting the Program: Riverdale Mediation Ltd. Description: This role-play-based course features senior mediators, professional actors, experienced coaches and expert guest speakers. Using a realistic case study (more…)

Event Phone: 416-593-0210

  • Family Arbitration: Theory, Law and Practice (40 Hours): Self-Directed Learning
     May 1, 2025 - June 12, 2025
     12:00 am - 11:55 pm Eastern
  • Family Arbitration: Theory, Law and Practice (40 Hours): Live Tutorials
     May 8, 2025
     4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Eastern
  • Family Arbitration: Theory, Law and Practice (40 Hours): Live Tutorials
     May 15, 2025
     3:30 pm - 6:30 pm Eastern
  • Family Arbitration: Theory, Law and Practice (40 Hours): Live Tutorials
     May 22, 2025
     3:30 pm - 7:00 pm Eastern
  • Family Arbitration: Theory, Law and Practice (40 Hours): Live Tutorials
     May 29, 2025
     4:00 pm - 6:30 pm Eastern
  • Family Arbitration: Theory, Law and Practice (40 Hours): Live Tutorials
     June 5, 2025
     3:30 pm - 7:00 pm Eastern

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Online) Trainers: Hilary Linton Clayton Spencer Judith Nicoll Organization Presenting the Program: Riverdale Mediation Ltd. Description: This 40-hour, highly interactive, the role-play-based course is designed to meet the requirements for the FDRP Arb (Certified Specialist in Family Arbitration) and FDRP PC (Certified Specialist in Parenting Coordination) designations offered by FDRIO. Email: (more…)

Event Phone: 416-593-0210

  • Family Arbitration for Parenting Coordinators (40 Hours): Self-Directed Learning
     May 1, 2025 - June 12, 2025
     12:00 am - 11:55 pm Eastern
  • Family Arbitration for Parenting Coordinators (40 Hours): Live Tutorials
     May 8, 2025
     4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Eastern
  • Family Arbitration for Parenting Coordinators (40 Hours): Live Tutorials
     May 15, 2025
     3:30 pm - 6:30 pm Eastern
  • Family Arbitration for Parenting Coordinators (40 Hours): Live Tutorials
     May 22, 2025
     3:30 pm - 7:00 pm Eastern
  • Family Arbitration for Parenting Coordinators (40 Hours): Live Tutorials
     May 29, 2025
     4:00 pm - 6:30 pm Eastern
  • Family Arbitration for Parenting Coordinators (40 Hours): Live Tutorials
     June 5, 2025
     3:30 pm - 7:00 pm Eastern

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Online) Trainers: Hilary Linton Clayton Spencer Judith Nicoll Organization Presenting the Program: Riverdale Mediation Ltd. Description: This 40-hour, highly interactive, role-play-based course is designed to meet the requirements for the FDRP Arb (Certified Specialist in Family Arbitration) and FDRP PC (Certified Specialist in Parenting Coordination) designations offered by FDRIO. Experienced arbitrator (more…)

  • Mosten Mediation Advanced Training: Family Residence
     May 2, 2025
     12:30 pm - 5:00 pm Eastern

Location: Online via Zoom Trainers/Presenters: Forrest “Woody” Mosten Organization: Mosten Mediation Training Description: Each 4-hour Advanced Training focuses on a specific area of Practice, features cutting edge Mediation strategies, and offers participants an opportunity for simulated practice and interactive discussion. This Training will focus on presenting and negotiating basic options of handling the residence with (more…)

Event Phone: 519-252-2772

  • Family Relations in Mediation (21 Hours) - May 2025
     May 7, 2025 - May 9, 2025
     9:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern
  • Family Relations in Mediation (21 Hours) - November 2025
     November 12, 2025 - November 14, 2025
     9:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern

Location: Online (Ontario) Trainer: Krista Konrad Organization Presenting the Program: INSIGHTful Mediation Training Description: The Family Relations course has been recently revamped to really focus on the information mediators need to work with separating families, and to enhance the ability of mediator to discuss things such as the needs of their children, their own grief (more…)

Event Phone: 519-252-2772

  • Advanced Family Mediation (21 Hours)- May 2025
     May 28, 2025 - May 30, 2025
     9:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern
  • Advanced Family Mediation (21 Hours)- November 2025
     November 24, 2025 - November 26, 2025
     9:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern

Location: Online (Ontario) Trainer: Elizabeth Sterritt and/or Jennifer Suzor Organization Presenting the Program: INSIGHTful Mediation Training Description: The Advanced Mediation class allows future mediators to take a deep dive into understanding conflict, particularly the threat and defending dynamics that form the basis of insight mediation. Understanding conflict and high conflict situations, avoiding impasse and working (more…)

  • Mosten Mediation Advanced Training: Spousal Support Terms and Buy-Outs
     June 6, 2025
     12:30 pm - 5:00 pm Eastern

Location: Online via Zoom Trainers/Presenters: Forrest “Woody” Mosten Organization: Mosten Mediation Training Description: Each 4-hour Advanced Training focuses on a specific area of Practice, features cutting edge Mediation strategies, and offers participants an opportunity for simulated practice and interactive discussion. This issue is often the most complex and adversarial, even in mediation and collaborative processes. (more…)

APFM & Present Online Advanced Mediation Training Series

Learn from Prominent Mediators and Earn up to 9 CLE Credits!

Did you know that APFM and have partnered to produce the highest quality online divorce and family mediation trainings available?

If you missed the 2018 APFM Conference in San Diego,  four incredible workshops were recorded live, and are available for purchase now at low introductory pricing. Purchase the full package of divorce mediation strategies from master practitioners in the field:

  • Chip Rose delivers a roadmap for the mediation process he has developed and honed over the past 30 years of his career. Watch trailer.
  • Don Saposnek gives us critical research-based information about mediating with the notorious “gatekeeper parent” and techniques to help the mediator best deal with these challenges. Watch trailer.
  • Jim Melamed condenses a treasure trove of his carefully explained mediation strategies and interventions into 90-minutes of high-impact course material. Watch trailer.
  • APFM President Michael Aurit moderated a fascinating panel discussion with Chip, Don, and Jim, as well as Amanda Singer and Donna Petrucelli. Watch trailer.

Creative Core Financial Solutions

Chip Rose, J.D.
A client-centered approach to considering the many financial issues of divorce and offering practical, hard won suggestions for resolving them. Watch trailer.

Dealing with Gatekeeper Parents

Donald T. Saposnek, Ph.D.
Presenting the latest research on gatekeeper parents, then elaborating on specific perspectives and strategies for effectively dealing with them. Watch the trailer.

Maximizing Mediation

Jim Melamed, J.D.
A highly experienced mediator shares his favorite techniques and strategies to help participants through the mediation process. Watch trailer.

Panel Discussion

Moderated by Michael Aurit
Perspectives and insights of experienced divorce mediators considering the critical questions facing the field. Watch trailer.

4 Game-Changing Tips To Build Your Divorce Mediation Practice (1.5 hours)

Trainer: Michael Aurit

Whether you are just opening the doors of your divorce mediation practice, or you have been a professional family mediator for many years, implementing these 4 Game-Changing Tips with potential clients can be game-changers for developing your more successful mediation practice. Partnering with, this program shares the details of The Aurit Center For Divorce Mediation’s positive results from utilizing these modern approaches to practice building.  In addition to improving client retention, these approaches can work to maximize the success of substantive outcomes in mediation, as each “game-changer” is rooted in developing increased trust with potential clients. The course is divided into 4 sections: (1) Developing your brand is everything; (2) First impressions matter – i.e. make your office awesome; (3) Give a strategic, structured yet flexible initial consultation; (4) Make your Agreement To Mediate a Star!

More information is here.

Professional Certification in Trauma and Resilience: Level One (20 Hours)

Florida State University | Learning For Life

Florida State University has launched a new online curriculum for a Professional Certification in Trauma and Resilience: Level One. The curriculum was developed by the Clearinghouse on Trauma & Resilience within the Institute for Family Violence Studies in the College of Social Work. The curriculum enables professionals to develop the knowledge and skills they need to understand the impact of adult and child trauma, along with the keys to resilience. Participants will learn crucial information to improve service delivery to clients, students, human services recipients, patients, and other members of the public.

More information is here.

APFM Training Calendar Submission Form

To request a listing on APFM’s Training Calendar, please fill out the form below. There is no charge for APFM members. The cost for non-members is $39 per event listing.

APFM Event Calendar Submissions
Uncertain about your membership status? Login and check:

Non-members must make sure to purchase their training calendar listings here:

Non-member listings will not be published absent payment.

Training Information

Enter the date or the start date and end date of the training.
Is this an APFM Verified Training?
Learn more about the APFM Verified Training Program.

If you do not receive a reply within 2 business days, please send an inquiry to [email protected].

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