Creative solutions to divorce issues including disposition of the family home (I also mediate real estate matters), drafting marital settlement agreements, child support (including fluctuating incomes), short and long-term spousal support, palimony, spousal support buyouts, child custody and visitation agreements (putting the children first), parenting plans that best suit the family, division of real and personal property, pensions. Also effective at working with LGBTQ and non-binary (they/them) individuals.
I create a safe space for partners to work out difficult issues, so they do not have to “go it alone” without expert guidance. Empathetic and non-judgmental approach to guiding both partners navigate the painful divorce process. Effective at minimizing the hostility and the emotional cost to parents and children, which can last long into a child’s adult life.
Ability to collaborate with both partners together in one room (physically or virtually) or with each in separate rooms. As a mediator with over fifteen years' experience, I stop the fighting and bickering and enable the parties to avoid the high cost of litigation. A mediator holds the parties' pain, sees the reality from each person's perspective, and assists the parties make decisions that will help release them from the stalemate in which they find themselves. The goal is to create an agreement and plan of action that is acceptable to both spouses to achieve relief from emotional stress.
I am a guest lecturer on family law mediation at the USC Gould School of Law.