Articles for Everyone
The Mystery of Mediation
By Steve Abel | With self-determination as a core value in family mediation, it may be good if you sometimes let elements from mental health or law professions seep into mediation. Mediators listen, interpret, help clients see another’s point of view, sometimes suggest options for consideration, facilitate resolution, and more. An argument can be made for doing what your clients need, not being rigid about one ethical guideline or another.
When Should a Mediator Withdraw?
By Bill Eddy | Not all mediations go well. The parties are intransigent, or one is obviously a bully, or one is too weak to speak up for herself/himself, or the issues are beyond the knowledge-base of the mediator –- a variety of issues may make a case inappropriate for mediation.
In the Belly of the Beast: An Insider’s Critique of the Adversarial System of Divorce
By Larry Gaughan | Certainly, the idea of state courts managing the breakup of marriages wasn’t created because somebody set out to design a humane, cost-effective system. Indeed, requiring divorces to be granted by the antique, inefficient courts that we inherited…
Not Another “How to Choose the Best Divorce Mediator” Article: It’s a Matter of Trust
By Michael Aurit, JD, MDR | Articles about “Choosing the Best Divorce Mediator” may soon be more numerous on the Internet than the actual number of divorce mediators that exist in the world. Go ahead, Google it and be amazed! Recently, I was asked to write one of these…
Mediation is Voluntary and Neutral
By Bill Eddy | The In-Your-Face Deed: The following is based on a case of mine which was discussed in the book Mediation Ethics, edited by Ellen Waldman (Jossey-Bass, 2011). Mary, a social worker, and Tom, an executive, are divorcing. They have two…
Book Review: Bill Eddy and Don Saposnek’s SPLITTING AMERICA: How Politicians, Super PACs and the News Media Mirror High Conflict Divorce
By Ken Neumann | Dysfunctional Families, Dysfunctional Politics: Bill Eddy and Don Saposnek, two seasoned Family Mediators, one a psychologist and one a family law attorney, recently joined forces to write about how politicians and the media mirror high conflict divorces.
Marital Mediation with John Fiske, Esq.
This webinar was recorded live July 6, 2016. Recording run time approximately 79 minutes.
Legal Stuff Matters: Review of The Divorce Dance by Financial Planner Stan Corey: A Fascinating Book About Divorce Financial Settlements
By Larry Gaughan | In The Divorce Dance, Stan Corey has written a readable novel about the divorce process and has seamlessly woven into his narrative a great “how to” book on avoiding the traps of the divorce process.
The Ethical Edge: Confidentiality under Fire
By Bill Eddy | California has been a leader in providing laws which encourage and protect mediation since the early 1980s. Confidentiality is at the core of those laws. A proposed revision to the laws has the mediation community in California up in arms.
Next Generation Now: How Family Law Attorneys Can Advocate for Clients By Educating Them About Children
By Michael Aurit, JD, MDR | Child custody battles rage on in every city and town in America. Many of these divorce wars revolve around each parent accusing the other of some degree of bad parenting that has negatively affected their children. Parents often point to the child’s behavior as evidence of the child’s “true feelings” or of the other’s poor parenting. Lawyers can best serve such clients by helping them learn more about normal child behavior.
Marriage Mediation with John Fiske
John Fiske, interviewed here, has been helping couples stay married on good terms for decades by providing marriage mediation services.
Shared Parenting and Mediation: Lawyers and Judges Support Reforms
There is considerable concern in Canada about how to reduce the adversarial nature of family law proceedings and promote better relationships between separating parents. We report here on a recent survey of Canadian legal professionals that reflects support for mediation and certain amendments to the parenting provisions of the Divorce Act.